Antique chemises de nuit, brought back from France. These make wonderful summer dresses... and the fabric is so incredible- unlike anything we can find that's newly made today. There is, of course, great fabric being made in certain places, but this particular quality is from a different time. When we were at the flea market in Paris, we spoke with a man who's booth we visit every year. He specializes in antique Russian and French military wear. He has his own clothing line as well, and he wanted to have the fabric for his line match that of antique fabric. Unable to find it, he bought antique machines to make it. The new problem became finding people who know how to use these machines... which he is still on the hunt for. Leaving the flea market, we had a long conversation about the disappearance of certain qualities of goods, and also the expertise and knowledge... once those things are gone, they are hard to bring back- and for many different reasons. It's something to think about, and for us, it is a big part of what inspires us to have our shop. Finding quality and sharing it with you :)
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