
September 29, 2018 | 0 Comments

Thank you all for taking a delve into J. Morgan Puett land with us. It was an honor to be involved with sharing these pieces with you and imagining a world around them. We have so much admiration for J. Morgan Puett- her designs and her singular vision. We have sent along the proceeds to the Madrean Archipelago Wildlife Center- thank you again for your support. We will have what's left of the collection in our shop for a couple more weeks <3 Please feel free to contact us with any questions <3 

In the meantime, we have been unpacking nonstop at the shop- there are so many incredible textiles, new clothing pieces, books... a new pottery line (you will LOVE these pots!!). It has been a busy week and we will be updating our online shop in the coming days. 

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