Thinking about our friends who make the most special things and in the process change the way we all look at things, and perhaps the way we all even see. What an artist or designer dares to go out on a limb to make... and to keep making... and then to make something out of it as a business... the bravery is inspiring and admirable. I don't think the artist sees it as bravery most times - it is just what they must do - they live and breath it. But as we understand the definition of strength and bravery, it is that! We've been thinking a lot about our friends at John Derian and also Astier de Villatte who have created new worlds for us all to explore and be excited by. The pieces they make and the overall beauty they infuse us with is something to be extremely grateful for. Behind the beauty is so much hard work over many years and we all benefit from what they themselves have put into it. We have been carrying John's work for about 20 years (counting back to when I would help my mom with her shop before we became partners). To see the evolution of his work and his shops has been so fun, and it has been an honor to celebrate the different milestones along the way with him. From his incredible homes that have been in many inspiring magazine spreads to his shops and the decoupage pieces he makes... it's like opening a present when you open that spread or walk into his shop. A true gift! John started to collaborate with Astier de Villatte and that is when we started carrying these beautiful ceramics that are like nothing else! Our collection has now grown to include a large variety of styles from them. When we first met the designers of Astier, Benoît Astier de Villatte and Ivan Pericoli, we realized we had another connection. My partner's father had taught at Les Beaux Arts in Paris at the same time they were attending the school. They remembered him- it was a fun coincidence. When Benoît and Ivan speak of how they first used the clay they now use in their ceramics for sculpture at Les Beaux Arts, there is an understanding we have as to their history and where they come from. They are incredible artists who we greatly admire. They have also done much to save and support many Parisian institutions - their guide Ma Vie A Paris was made in part to keep these favorite places going - as they are treasures! We have been thinking about these things a lot as these friends, designers, artists are on pause like the rest of us (at least in working with the same kind of output they are used to)... and we just can't wait for the day when they are back to work and able to continue their projects or start something new. I know the beauty will continue and we have something to wait in anticipation for. <3 XOXO
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