Dive into the conscience of a spoon collector with the book SPOON by Daniel Rozensztroch- page after page of beautiful pictures of spoons made of glass, wood, metal, mother of pearl, bone, horn, ceramic.... enamel, porcelain.... from far flung places and those close to home, from flea markets around the world to those from contemporary designers including Ted Muehling. It is fascintating to look at continual images of the same thing, only they're not the same. It's interesting to think of the hands that made each one, why someone would use metal vs. wood or enamel vs. ceramic, the different shapes and their uses. It's beautiful and inspiring. We show a few pages of the book above with some pieces from of our own spoon collection at the shop. We have just received a few new ones including the giant slotted spoon and the tiny tasting spoons.
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