
March 23, 2020 | 0 Comments

White is feeling really good right now. Clean, fresh, crisp, soothing. Sharing some favorite pieces in white with you <3 

As we jump into another week of this life we've all known, turned and tumbled and thrown here and there, we wanted to take note of all the extra care we are seeing amongst most. Yesterday on my usual Sunday walk and jog, everyone I passed stopped to say good morning... one couple told me there was an incredible batch of wildflowers I would be passing up ahead. This is a marked difference from the usual eyes looking at phones or stepping aside without saying hello. I thought about the collective consciousness really changing... and I also wondered if our short term memories will allow this new way of being to last. I think that if we put the effort there, it can last. We should all be saying hello, and yes with distance at the moment, but with care. Many are talking of silver linings... and it's because we are all seeing something coming out of this incredibly hard time that I think we all like. We must remember. Sending love to you all, we hope you are safe, still taking good care in your homes... as our friends from Patch NYC put it, we hope you are all staying "safe and sane".  Sending love.  



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